Being a mama is hard work and definitely not for the faint of heart! If you are in need of some encouragement in the midst of all your mama duties, I hope this poem will remind you of just how important YOU are—to your kids and to your Heavenly Father.
Dirty dishes, crumbs on the floor,
Laundry to fold, and oh so much more.
Diapers to change, kids to chase,
Each day going by at a frantic pace.
Being a mama is hard work, it’s true.
But don’t ever forget, your Heavenly Father sees you.
It might feel mundane, all the meal prep and cleaning,
The homework help and storybook reading,
But all these things matter—they really do,
Because in the midst of it all, your Heavenly Father sees you.
Motherhood isn’t something we do just for fun,
We do it to make disciples of our daughters and sons,
So every wiped bottom and kissed boo-boo,
Every nighttime snuggle and whispered “I love you,”
Shows our kids not just our love,
But also that of their Heavenly Father up above.
So keep it up mama—all your work, care, and prayers,
It’s Kingdom work you’re doing where you are right there.
Even when you’re tired and feel burnt out,
Don’t ever forget that beyond a shadow of a doubt,
You have a great God who can shower strength upon you,
And give you help and wisdom in all that you do.
So rest assured, dear mama, it’s important—every little thing,
And through it all you are loved and seen by the King of all Kings.